Pixieset Website allows you to adjust the width of your content on larger screen sizes, along with the padding between content blocks. This article will go over how to customize these spacing settings for your Website and blocks.
On this page:
- Customizing the Max Page Width of your Website
- Adjusting the Padding of all your Website's Content
- Adjusting the Padding of Individual Content Blocks
- Site Margin (Milo, Nordik, Sierra and Skye)
- Resetting your Website's Spacing
Customizing the Max Page Width of your Website
From your Website Builder, go to your Design Tab > Spacing to access your Website's spacing options.
The Max Page Width setting controls the maximum width that your Website's content will span on larger screen sizes.
To adjust the max page width of your Website, click and drag the slider.
Alternatively, you can set a specific value by clicking directly onto the pixel value to edit it.
Adjusting the Padding of all your Website's Content
From your Website Builder, go to your Design Tab > Spacing to access your Website's Base Block Padding setting. This setting controls the top and bottom padding (i.e. the space between blocks) for all your Website's content blocks.
To adjust the top and bottom padding for all your blocks, simply click and drag the slider.
Alternatively, you can set a specific value by clicking directly onto the pixel value to edit it.
Adjusting the Padding of Individual Content Blocks
If you would like to adjust the block padding of a specific content block, simply hover over the block and click the Edit icon that appears in the top right hand corner.
Then, in the Block Settings that appear in the left-hand Builder Panel, you can adjust the block's top and bottom padding values respectively.
Note: When editing an individual block, the padding's values will be based on your Website's overall Base Block Padding value. For example, if your Website's Base Block Padding is 40px and you set the individual block's top padding to 50%, the block would have 20px of top padding.
Site Margin (Milo, Nordik, Sierra and Skye)
If you are using either the Milo, Nordik, Sierra or Skye themes, you will also see a Site Margin setting. This allows you to globally apply borders across your website. The margin is applied to the sides of all pages and will use the primary background color of your main color scheme.
Resetting your Website's Spacing
When you customize your Website's spacing, a small modified icon (blue circle) will appear next to the respective setting. To reset a specific setting's value back to its default, simply hover over the modified icon and click it when it turns to an x.
Alternatively, if you would like to completely reset all of your Website's spacing to the default values, you can simply click Reset Site Spacing at the bottom of your Site Spacing settings.