There are a few situations when your credit card on file will be charged by Pixieset. This article covers the potential situations and where you can review these charges.
Subscription Accounts
If you have upgraded your account, and opted for monthly subscription payments, Pixieset will charge your credit card on file on the same day of every month. This generally will fall on the day that your subscription was originally upgraded; the only exception would be if the payment was declined, and we had to retry the payment on a later date than usual. The next payment would still be taken on the original date, as your billing cycle remains unchanged. Monthly subscriptions are automatically renewed at the end of the billing cycle, to ensure a seamless experience for you and your clients.
If you have upgraded your account, and opted for yearly subscription payments, your account will be charged on the same date, once yearly, to continue your subscription service. Yearly subscriptions are automatically renewed at the end of the billing cycle, to ensure a seamless experience for you and your clients.
Lab Fees
Offline Payments
If you are using the offline payment option in your Store to allow your clients to pay you via an alternative method (e.g. cash, cheque, in person) you are responsible for handling the payment outside of Pixieset and then marking the order as paid once you have received the funds. Your credit card on file will then be charged for the Cost of Goods Sold if applicable. You can find more information on offline payments here.
If you have provided your customer with a Coupon or Gift Card to use during checkout which brings their Order total to less than the cost of Cost of Goods Sold (COGS), and they checked out using Stripe or Offline Payment, then we will need to charge the balance of the Cost of Goods directly from your credit card.
For example, if the total of the Order came to $10.00 with a Coupon, but the COGS came to $20.00, we will need to pull the remaining $10.00 from your credit card to send to the Lab to cover the costs on the Order. This will be charged immediately after the Order is placed.
Boutique Packaging
If you have decided to go the extra mile for your clients, and add Boutique Packaging to their Order, then we will charge your credit card on file for the specified amount. We are not able to pull the money for the boutique packing from your transaction in these cases, as it was not an original item on the Order.
Reviewing your Billing History
You can easily review your billing history at any time to confirm any subscription costs or lab fees
you have paid for. Just click on your Profile Icon > Billing and scroll down to the Billing History section. From here, you can click into any charge to learn more about it.