Creating a Mobile Gallery App from an existing collection is easy to do! Within your Client Gallery Dashboard, click on the collection you want to use to create an app. From here, you can create the App in two ways:
Note: Once an app is created, you can upload more images to it from your Mobile Gallery App Dashboard.
From an Existing Client Gallery Collection
While viewing the collection, select the images you want to add, and click ••• > Create Mobile App. In the pop-up that appears, enter a name for your app and click Create. This will then add all your selected photos to the new app!
From a collection's Favorite List
While viewing the collection, go to the Activities Tab > Favorite Activity, and select ••• > Create Mobile Gallery App next to the list. In the pop-up that appears, enter a name for your app and click Create. This will then add all the photos on the Favorite List to the new app!