When you’ve created a coupon, you can increase its visibility by promoting the discount with a coupon banner. Banners display a custom message along with the coupon code at the top of your galleries and their stores.
On this page:
Setting up a Coupon Banner
To create a coupon banner:
In Store Dashboard > Coupons, create or edit the coupon you’d like to promote. If you haven’t set up a coupon before, see our guide here.
Go to the coupon’s Promote section and toggle the Coupon Banner on. From there, you can customize your banner message and color, as well as specify whether it is displayed in every collection or only one specific collection.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
- How many coupon banners can I have?
- How do I show a banner in a specific collection?
- I don’t see the banner shown on my galleries.
How many coupon banners can I have?
You can only have one active coupon banner per collection at a time. If your banner will result in a conflict with a pre-existing banner, you will be notified by the system.
How do I show a banner in a specific collection?
Coupon banners can be set to appear in a specific collection. When editing the coupon banner, scroll to the Show Banner On setting. Then, select Specific collection and the collection you’d like the banner to appear in from the dropdown menu that appears.
I don’t see the banner shown on my galleries.
If your coupon banner doesn’t appear when viewing a collection, you may want to review the following:
- Active Dates: Is your coupon active today based on your start date (and end date, if applicable)? The banner will not be displayed if the coupon is scheduled for the future, or has expired.
- Applies to: If the coupon is for a specific price sheet, confirm that the collection you are viewing has the same price sheet assigned to it.
- Limit total uses: Has the coupon code reached its maximum redemption limit?
If you are tried the recommendations above but are still having trouble seeing your coupon banner appear, contact support@pixieset.com. Make sure to specify the coupon code that you are trying to promote and what troubleshooting you’ve tried already. We’re happy to help!