When creating your Collection, you are able to set the Collection to expire automatically on a certain date. When the Collection “expires”, it will be set to Hidden Status, and your clients will no longer be able to view their images.
Note: This does not automatically delete the images or the Collection, but simply changes the Status of the Collection.
On this page:
- How Auto Expiry Reminders Work
- Locating your Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template
- Editing your Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template
- Adding your Auto Expiry Reminder Email to your Collection
- Viewing your Sent Auto Expiry Reminder Emails
- Troubleshooting
How Auto Expiry Reminders Work
With Auto Expiry Reminders, you can notify your clients automatically by email when their Gallery is about to expire. These emails can be sent automatically to specific clients, or to all guests who have viewed, downloaded, favorited, or made purchases through that Collection. These emails can also be customized to include the expiry date, Download PIN, and Passwords.
Learn more here: How do I set an Expiry Date to the Gallery?
Locating your Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template
To create and customize your reminder emails template, head to your Client Gallery dashboard > select Settings > and Email Templates. From there, you can click on Auto Expiry Reminder Email to edit your template.
Editing your Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template
When editing your Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template from your Client Gallery dashboard > Settings > Email Templates page, you can customize the body and subject of the email. This includes the option to insert dynamic text into the email template.
On the right side of the page, you can see a preview of the Auto Expiry Reminder Email.
Adding your Auto Expiry Reminder Email to your Collection
There are several options available for customizing the reminder email to your Collection. Under the Settings > General tab, start by applying an Auto Expiry Date if you haven’t already. Next, click + Add expiry email button to set up an email reminder.
From the next window, you can set how many days before the Auto Expiry date you'd like the reminder to be sent as well as who you would like to send the emails to.
If you are subscribed to one of our upgraded plans, you can select the option to send the reminder emails to any clients who have Registered, Downloaded, Favorited, and/or Purchased from this Collection, as well as manually entering any email addresses that you may wish to include.
Your default Auto Expiry Reminder Email Template will be applied but you can customize the subject and body of the email if you’d like. You can see any changes you make reflected in real time on the right-hand side of the content window. You can also include the Download PIN and Collection Password by selecting these options at the bottom of the edit window.
Once you are happy with the email, click Save. You will see the reminder you have just set up appear under the Auto Expiry section.
You can continue to add additional expiry reminder emails by clicking on the + Add expiry reminder email link. You can create up to 3 reminders in total.
Viewing your Sent Auto Expiry Reminder Emails
You can view the expiry reminder emails that have been sent by clicking the down arrow next to the Share button in the top right corner of the collection > View Email History.
You are able to review the Subject, the date sent, and any Collection Settings that were included in the reminder email, as well as the recipients email address.
There are a couple of potential reasons that your Auto Expiry Reminder Emails may not be active.
- The Collection does not have an Auto Expiry Date set yet. You can easily fix this by adding the Auto Expiry date to the Collection, and saving your changes.
- The Collection is not in Published status. You can resolve this by changing the Collection status from Draft or Hidden to Published the Collection.